Published : 4. November 2020. |Modified: 4. November 2020 | 0 views

Step-by-step guide to creating a mail order endpoint for Amazon ECS

Let’s start with some basic knowledge about the mailorder terminal and why we need a mailorder terminal for Amazon ECS. Step-by-step instructions for creating mail order terminals for plumbing water and screenshots.

What is a Mail Order End Point?

The VPC terminal is your gateway to connect to public AWS service terminals from sources that do not have Internet access at all. Services such as S3, ECS, API Gateway have public terminals. So when you access these services, your request is routed via the Internet to these service endpoints.

In a secure environment where private sub-networks or resources have absolutely no access to the Internet, even through a NAT gateway, etc., they cannot communicate with public AWS terminals. In this case, we can use mail order terminals to connect to these services on Amazon’s internal network (Amazon PrivateLink).

Even with Internet access, traffic has a certain latency time if it travels over the Internet and then reaches the AWS services. Using Endpoint mailorder makes your access to Amazon PrivateLink fast enough!

Our articles about Amazon hot water –

To view this tutorial, please refer to the following architecture –

VPC endpoints for Amazon ESD projection

Creation of a mail order endpoint for Amazon ECS

In this tutorial I will use the modified VPC and ECS cluster that I made in the previous tutorials.

  • PCV dashboard input
  • Tap the Ends button in the left navigation bar.
  • On the Endpoint page that appears on the right, click Create Endpoint.
  • There are 3 endpoints to be created for ECS.
    1. com.amazonaws.region.ecs agent
    2. com.amazonaws.region.ecs-telemetry
    3. com.amazonaws.region.ecs
  • where the region is the region where the ECS cluster operates. In my case, it’s us on the east side.

Construction of a mail order machine for hot water supply

Here is a list of fields to be defined.

  • Service Category : AWS services
  • Name of the service : All three are listed above.
  • MAIL ORDER: Select the PCV in which the ECS cluster works
  • Sub-networks : Select the subnetworks to which the endpoints are to be connected. I’ve only selected private subnets.
  • Enable DNS name : It is recommended to enable this option so that ECS agents can communicate with the ECS service without problems.
  • Security team: The security group must be connected to the ENI of this gateway. Ensure that incoming traffic from the above subnetworks is allowed to Port 443.
  • Tags: Identifying

Finally, click on the button Create end point. Repeat the same process to create 3 endpoints for the above services.

3 Endpoints must change from suspended status to available status.

3 Mail Order Endpoints for Amazon ECS

It is clear that each endpoint has 2 ESOs in 2 sub-networks, i.e. one interface in each sub-network.

This completes the creation of the mail order endpoint for the ECS service. ECS authorities can now use these interfaces at startup. If the instances are already running, you will need to restart the ECS agent on them with the command below and it will start using the mailorder terminals.

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-14 ~] $ sudo docker restarts ecs agent
ecs agent

For testing purposes, I have just completed the existing ECS gateways, and the ECS auto scale group has deployed new ECS gateways in a private area (which has no NAT gateway, i.e. no internet). Both have been successfully connected to the ECS cluster via the mail order terminal!

Private bodies in the ECS cluster


If the ECS authorities do not register in the ECS cluster via mail terminals, the following should be checked -.

  1. The instance runs the ECS Agent version 1.25.1 or higher.
  2. The Endpoint Security Team routes 443 traffic from the cases of
  3. The endpoints are created in the same region as the ECS cluster.
  4. ECS agents are rebooted on ECS instances after the endpoints have been created.

If ECS instances are registered, but the agent is connected, this is displayed as False. In such a scenario, the following should be confirmed –

  1. Docker and ECS agent services run on the server. (systemctl-docker/ecs status)
  2. The corresponding instance role (ecsInstanceRole) is linked to the ECS instances. (collapse
  3. Check the log file at the following location: /var/log/ecs/ecs-agent.log for ECS instances.

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