Updating the drivers is a fairly simple task. Just go to the hardware manufacturer and download the latest drivers for your device.

If the driver update process is a bit confusing, we invite you to check out our graphics card driver update guide for detailed instructions.

Automatic driver update

According to users, there were problems with the Intel drivers. So if you have Intel devices installed, we highly recommend updating their drivers first, and then the drivers for all other hardware components.

Updating drivers is essential for system stability and security, but loading drivers manually is not the most efficient way to solve these problems.

Some of the most common Windows errors are due to old or incompatible drivers. If you don’t update the system, you may experience slowdowns, system errors, or even BSoD. To avoid this kind of problem, you can use an automatic utility that will find, download and install the correct version of the driver on your Windows PC in a few clicks. We recommend DriverFix:

  1. Download and install DriverFix.
  2. Start the application.
  3. Wait until the program has detected all defective drivers.
  4. You will now see a list of all drivers that have problems, and you only need to select the ones you want to fix.
  5. Wait for DriverFix to download and install the latest drivers.
  6. Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.


Protect your Windows from all types of errors caused by corrupt drivers by installing and using DriverFix today!

Denial: This program must be upgraded from the free version to perform specific actions.

3. Install an older version of AMD drivers

  1. Press Windows + S and type Device Manager.
  2. Open the Device Manager and select the device whose driver you want to remove.
  3. Right click on it and select Uninstall.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Your Windows operating system will automatically install the default driver for this device.

Sometimes your video card drivers can cause the VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR BSoD error, especially if your drivers are outdated or corrupt.

To fix this error, it is recommended to remove the drivers of the graphics card and install an older version of the drivers.

After uninstalling the graphics card driver, you can also go to the AMD website to download the old version of the drivers. Note that this also works if you don’t have an AMD graphics card.

After installing an older driver version, you should prevent Windows from performing automatic updates in the future. To do so, follow the simple steps in this guide.

If you need a program that automatically removes drivers and other software, be sure to read this article with a list of the best uninstallers currently available.

Most Windows 10 users have outdated drivers. Stay ahead of the game by using this guide.

4. Changing graphic card settings

Some users have reported that the VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR error can be fixed by changing the graphics card settings.

According to users, they had to change settings in the Intel and Nvidia control panel to focus on performance rather than quality.

If you are using an Nvidia graphics card, you should also set Physx as the default in the Nvidia control panel.

If you are not using an Nvidia card, you can also change similar settings in the Catalyst Control Center.

If you’re having trouble opening Catalyst Control Center in Windows 10, check out this guide to quickly resolve the issue.

The Nvidia Control Panel does not work on Windows? Don’t panic, we have the solution you need.

5. Disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome

  1. In Chrome, press the menu button and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down and tap the Show Advanced Settings button.
  3. Go to System and uncheck the Use hardware acceleration if available box.
  4. Restart Chrome to apply the changes.

Some users have reported this error while watching videos in Chrome, and according to them, the only solution is to disable hardware acceleration in Chrome.

6. Change graphic memory size in BIOS

If you are using integrated graphics cards, you can solve this problem by changing the graphics memory size in the BIOS.

Refer to your motherboard manual for detailed instructions on how to access the BIOS and change the graphics memory size.

Users have reported that setting the graphics memory to 128 MB for Intel graphics fixed the problem. So don’t hesitate to try this solution even if you don’t have an integrated Intel graphics card.

If Windows ignores the BIOS, fix the problem quickly by following these instructions.

Do you find accessing the BIOS too much work? Let’s make it easy with this great guide!

7. Resetting Windows 10

  1. Go to your settings.
  2. Select Update and Security.
  3. Go to Recovery and select Advanced Settings.
  4. Select Reset this PC.
  5. Then click on Start.
  6. Now choose whether you want to keep your files or delete them all.
  7. Let Windows run its course.

BSoD errors such as VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR can be caused by certain software, and you can perform a Windows 10 reset to resolve this issue.

We should warn you that this process is similar to a fresh install and will delete all the files on your C partition. So make sure you support it.

Message: You may also need a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 during this process, so make sure you create one.

A disaster happens and you can’t reset your PC! Fortunately, we have the right solutions for you.

8. Control of defective equipment

Often it is the hardware that causes these errors. You will need to troubleshoot and replace the defective material. Some users have reported that this error was caused by a faulty graphics card and that replacing the card fixed the problem.

Keep in mind that sometimes some hardware is not compatible with your current installation or with Windows 10, which can lead to these and many other errors.

Some users have reported problems with older TV cards, and according to them, removing the TV card solved the error permanently.

The VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR BSoD error is usually related to your video card, but you can easily fix it with one of our solutions.

If you have any other suggestions or questions, feel free to leave them below in the comments and we will look into them.

frequently asked questions

How do I correct an error in the internal video programmer?

Troubleshooting ‘ Windows 10 ‘ Error.

How do I fix an internal Whea error?


How do I correct an internal Sdbus error?


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