How Legit Is the Instagram Mental Health Lawsuit?

Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. It’s how we connect with friends, share experiences, and stay informed.

But as our reliance on platforms like Instagram increases, so do concerns about their impact on our mental health. In recent years, there have been growing concerns about the potential negative impact of social media platforms. Experts, in particular, focus on the effects on the mental health and well-being of young users.

One of the most high-profile cases involves a lawsuit against Instagram. It alleges that the popular photo-sharing app has contributed to body image issues and mental health problems among teenagers.

So, how legit are these claims? Let’s dive in and explore the complexities of this issue.

What Are the Lawsuits Saying?

Multiple lawsuits have been filed against Meta, Instagram’s parent company.

According to TorHoerman Law, these lawsuits accuse the company of contributing to a mental health crisis, particularly among young people. Furthermore, they also allege that Instagram’s design intentionally promotes addictive behaviors. They claim features like infinite scrolling and algorithmic recommendations prioritize engagement over user well-being.

One of the key pieces of evidence cited in the Instagram lawsuit is the company’s internal research. The studies allegedly reveal that Instagram exposes vulnerable users to harmful content, such as cyberbullying and idealized images. This, the plaintiff alleges, caused body image issues and eating disorders.

Moreover, young girls, in particular, reported feeling worse about their body image after using the app. Some even go as far as blaming Instagram for suicides and attempted suicides among its users.

A 2021 leaked internal Facebook study revealed that when 32% of teen girls feel insecure about their bodies, Instagram makes them feel even more insecure. It was also reported that 13% of British users and 6% of American users traced the desire to kill themselves to Instagram.

The legal arguments behind these lawsuits vary, but common claims include product liability and negligence. The plaintiffs argue that Meta knew or should have known about the potential harms of Instagram and failed to take adequate steps to protect users.

One notable example is the lawsuit filed by Alexis Spence, a young woman who claims that her heavy Instagram use led to eating disorders, self-harm, and multiple suicide attempts. Her case, along with others, has brought the issue of social media’s impact on mental health into the legal spotlight.

Does the Evidence Support the Claims?

While the lawsuits make serious allegations, it’s important to evaluate the available evidence objectively. The scientific evidence linking Instagram usage to mental health problems is complex and nuanced.

Numerous independent studies have found correlations between heavy Instagram use and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. While the findings are not conclusive, many experts agree that excessive social media exposure, particularly during critical developmental stages, can contribute to issues like low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and social anxiety.

However, correlation doesn’t equal causation. Most existing research relies on self-reported participant data, which might be accurate or representative of the broader population.


This makes it difficult to determine whether Instagram causes mental health issues or simply attracts individuals who are already predisposed to them. In 2023, an Iowa State University research found that students who limit their social media use had a brighter approach to life. Limiting social media use to 30 minutes per day helped students reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, isolation, and fear of missing out (FOMO).

This suggests that while Instagram might not be the sole cause, it could be a contributing factor to mental health issues. Moreover, other factors, such as pre-existing mental health conditions, family dynamics, and peer relationships, cannot be ignored in this complex issue.

Meta and other defendants argue that personal responsibility and parental supervision are key in managing social media use. They also point to the potential benefits of Instagram, such as fostering connection, self-expression, and access to information.

What’s Next for Instagram?

The outcome of these lawsuits could have significant implications for Instagram and the tech industry. If the plaintiffs are successful, Meta might be forced to pay massive penalties for failing to prioritize user well-being, particularly when it comes to protecting vulnerable populations like minors.

Moreover, the company would be forced to revamp Instagram’s algorithms and features. This could include stricter content moderation, more prominent warnings about potential harm, and tools to help users limit their screen time. Regardless of the legal outcome, these lawsuits have already sparked a broader conversation about the responsibility of social media platforms to protect their users’ mental health.


As we continue to grapple with the impact of technology on our well-being, it’s crucial to stay informed about this ongoing debate. Moreover, we should also use social media in a way that promotes our mental and emotional health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are There Any Specific Regulations That Hold Social Media Companies Accountable for the Mental Health of Their Users?

Currently, there are no specific federal regulations in the US that directly address social media’s impact on mental health. However, existing laws like the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) offer some protection for younger users. Additionally, ongoing discussions in Congress and state legislatures are exploring the possibility of new regulations to address this issue.

Q2. Has Instagram Made Any Changes in Response to the Mental Health Concerns Raised in the Lawsuits?

Instagram has introduced some features to promote digital well-being, such as time limits and “Take a Break” reminders. They have also expanded their resources for mental health support and made it easier to report bullying and harassment.

However, critics claim these efforts are insufficient and argue that the platform’s design and algorithms need more fundamental changes. For instance, Instagram’s “Suggested Posts” feature, introduced in 2020, has been criticized for pushing potentially harmful content to users. This feature recommends content even after users have reached the end of their following feed. This feature could expose users to triggering content or contribute to excessive screen time, thus potentially exacerbating existing mental health issues.

Q3. What Role Can Parents Play in Protecting Their Children’s Mental Health on Instagram?

Parents can protect children’s mental health by setting reasonable limits on Instagram use, monitoring their online activities, and encouraging open communication about the impacts of social media. They can also enable parental control features and work with their children to cultivate a positive body image and self-esteem.

In conclusion, although the legal outcomes of these lawsuits remain unknown, they serve as a wake-up call for us all.

However, one thing is clear: our relationship with social media is complex. It’s up to each of us to be mindful of how platforms like Instagram affect our mental well-being. It’s about finding a balance that allows us to enjoy the benefits of connection and self-expression without sacrificing our mental health.

So, the next time you scroll through your feed, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel. After all, your mental health is worth more than a few likes or comments.